Portfolio Strategy
Sws current net worth:
$105K Active-Money Portfolio
SWS at UVA runs a fund under the McIntire Foundation for educational purposes. The fund consists of long-only equities that are publicly traded in the United States of America. All returns from the fund will either be reinvested in the fund or allocated to SWS operational expenses. No individuals or contributors may profit from the fund. Our goal is to help female undergraduate students learn how to invest. All investment decisions are made solely by students.
We pursue a value-investing strategy, in line with Warren Buffett’s investment philosophy. We hold investment positions for an average of one and a half years. When evaluating stocks, we examine industry trends and only invest in businesses we understand - a Warren Buffett mantra. We look for companies with wide economic moats, and with intrinsic value that is not reflected in the stock price. We believe in Warren Buffett’s investment guideline, “it's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price,” and we purchase stocks that are selling at a decent margin of safety relative to their intrinsic value. To diversify the portfolio and mitigate investment risks, we invest in different industries. When making investments, we pursue emotional stability — a calm and careful approach to investing — so that our decisions will not be influenced by “noise” in the market.