Economic Moat
We seek to invest in companies that have a core economic moat - this could include niche products, brand recognition, or even market size. We believe that companies with a strong economic moat will be able to withstand the volatilities of the stock market and generate higher returns for our portfolio.
Financial Strengths
As quantitative investors, our Investment Board looks critically at the financial health and strengths of our investments. From financial statement analysis to value at risk analyses, our Board invests in companies that have clear top-line and bottom-line growth and constantly aim for expansion. The Board seeks companies with strong management that maintains transparency, which allows our Board to conduct comprehensive analysis on which holdings have the potential to generate high returns.
Macro Trends
With seven industry teams, our Investment Board relies on our Research Team to provide well-researched macroeconomic risks and trends that could either serve as a catalyst or risk to potential investments. The Board avoids cyclical investments that are heavily dependent on macroeconomic trends, as these stocks can be extremely unpredictable.
Independent Valuation
The Investment Board conducts independent valuations to determine which positions are profitable to enter at their current price. In addition to the Board’s valuations, Research Analysts submit their own Comparable Companies models and Discounted Cash Flow analyses with their investment memos to provide the Board with a comprehensive company profile and stock pitch.